Learn To Speak Dog
Learning to read dog body language is the closest thing we have to understand when our dogs are really comfortable, scared, excited etc. Learn that a wagging tail doesn't always mean a happy dog. This is the course your dog wants you to take. This course is a self pasted course so you can watch and re-watch when ever you like.
Good Dogs Use Zoom!
In this course you will cover:
This is the course all dogs want you to attend!
All dog's talk, as long as you know how to listen. Learning how to read subtle body language and facial expressions allows us to understand what a dog is really trying to tell us. Being able to read your dog will allow you to understand and even predict what will happen next.
What you'll get:
A 4-part easy to digest course
It will change the way you interact with dogs forever.
Did you know that a waggy tail isn't always a sign of a happy dog?
Your dog lying on its back, may not be asking for its tummy tickled.
This course shares with you some of the most misunderstood dog behaviours.